Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dream of the car-pushing tornado from the future.

I had a dream this morning that I was about a 100 miles west of my current home. I was swimming in some basement pool and a young kid started getting all mouthy about the learning disabled kids he knows, intimating that I was a normal person who had become learning disabled as an adult. I went to make an exit from the pool in disgust but the lifeguard had put a sign on the door saying there was a 7/8ths chance of a tornado this afternoon. Really? That means it won't miss, right? So I go to take a shower, but somebody upstairs starts giving me a bit of a hassle so I skip the shower and go to hop in my car. I sat in my car parked along a country roadside listening to the radio for 10 minutes as a beautiful sunny day starts clouding over very quickly. I wondered if the 7/8ths tornado risk would subside to something less if I just drove 100 miles home to beat the storm, if there was one. There didn't appear to be a storm anywhere, but these clouds moving in so quickly was causing me a bit of concern. So I turned my head around to the left then saw some crazy tornado spinning up an 1/8th of a mile away and it looked like it was headed for my car. I got out of the car in case I had to look for a ditch to lay down in. The tornado got stronger to an EF1 and crossed the road about 50 feet behind my car and went into some woods. I spotted it coming out of the woods and back onto my road, then it reversed direction and started coming towards the front of my car. I headed for the ditch on the other side of the road on foot. The tornado hit the front of my car, broke the brakes, and started pushing it backwards down the road towards an intersection. The tornado pushed my car around the corner then down another road into oncoming traffic and smashed it at like 25 mph into an oncoming car doing at least 40 mph that rear-ended my car, impact 65 mph+. I finally caught up to this madness, and I felt a twinge of panic because I didn't have my cell phone on me, and a guy at the scene looked like my oldest nephew 10-15 years from now, and before I got a conversation going to find out if it was him, I woke up startled at my totaled car with a lot of belongings destroyed.

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