Wednesday, June 15, 2011

High School Yearbook Pics, 1979

I'm not sure people had more than an hour to sign yearbooks before class was dismissed forever.

The following writing was the most jarring in my book, but the most prophetic.
I was nearly flunking math for the 2nd year in a row but I got the highest math score on a schoolwide test, my best friend came in second, and he was severely pissed, for a long time.Courtney was not the best friend, but he was utterly sickened with jealousy & total disbelief.

Swim Team: I was the best at the local YMCA for several years, then in 9th grade I got thrown in with a bunch of near Olympians! Yeah, I was near dead last from then on. I also had a 100 customer, 3 mile paper route to do with my dog between class getting out and doing my half-practices in the pool. I swam 1750-2500 yards most days, but the winners were doing over 5000 yards a day at a much faster pace. I don't think I broke a minute for the 100 yard free, our winners were acing sub-50 seconds in that race. So I would get put in the 500 free (7:20! vs 5:00!) just for the laps, and maybe get the 100 backstroke (1:10), or get put in a second or third string relay race. My swim team owned the pool records (in our school, and in many other schools) dating back over 10 years, for several years in a row.

I can't believe the Coach wound up on my shoulders in this pic, I must have had some strength at one time, lol. My senior year swim team was the worst because a lot of strong upperclassmen graduated and a lot of weak underclassmen came in. It was a rebuilding year for sure, because we were decimated when the upperclassmen went even though we still had the strongest swimmer, Bob Beaudry & his diving brother Andy who spent their summers training just as hard if not harder day in & day out, their father was a college swim coach who pushed far too hard, OMG!

Most improved was James Broderick, who made stunning advances week after week in 11th & 12th grade from being at my level to being near Beaudry's level. He's a natural. His face is all messed up because he hit bottom at the Newark pool while diving, that's a very old pool, he should have checked the depth indicators.

Hyperactive - Thomas Dolby (1984)

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